Monday, August 30, 2010

Casen's 1st Birthday

I realize I completely missed the summer, but I will update when I have the laptop with all the pictures. Last weekend our lil' boy turned 1..yikes! He is such a fun boy and changing each day. His newest thing is to dance to any music, radio, cell-phone or even in church. During the musical number yesterday, he stood up and with one had he led the music and danced, all while singing in his sweet babbly voice. Then proceeded to clap, I'm not sure if it was for the girl singing or for himself...either way he gets the attention :) I love him and he makes me laugh every day. Back to his birthday. We made a cake and he was very excited about it. He shared to nicely with everyone, even if you didn't want the leftover frosting on his fingers. He found out where his Grandma had the ice cream and scoop, and we spoiled him. The last picture is when he bit into the ice cream, he thought it was cake. My sister came over as well, with her new daughter Kylee. It was such a fun day. I just can't believe how quickly this year went by. I am blessed to be home with him each day and love this life.


  1. oh Katie! I miss you so bad! Casen is ADORABLE!! I can't believe it's been a year and I haven't even met the little guy. You look so good. We need to catch up sometime! So no excuses you have to make it to the Alumni game this year! I know a bed and breakfast with pretty cheap rates! (:

  2. PS- the piano music you have on here is awesome. I'm going to have to look that guy up.

  3. So cute! Thanks for sharing!
